
Professional Essay Editors Dream Team from the Ivy League

Most of our editors are graduates of

Your essay editor will help you determine the best angles to take and edit your work to make it concise, persuasive, and anything but cliché.

  • 12 yrs. years of Average Editor's Experience
  • 40+ Academic Disciplines
  • Native English Speakers
  • 50 000+ Documents Edited
  • 9.8/10 Satisfaction Rate
CollegeCover LetterDentalEducationGraduateLawMBAMedical School
Alex L.
MA in English
Harvard University
Completed orders 5 years of experience

"I am experienced in editing materials for undergraduate and graduate school admission, as well as academic papers and theses."

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

College Graduate Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
Amy A. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Amy A.
B.A. in Human Biology
Stanford University
1972 Completed orders 19 years of experience

"What started out as a part-time job to pay for my college tuition quickly grew into a passion for editing of entrance papers and counseling"

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School; Premier package;

College Graduate Law MBA Medical School Premier package
Busy now
Anastasia M. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Anastasia M.
B.A. and Masters Degree in History
University College London
Completed orders 7 years of experience

"My aim is to guarantee your unique skills, experience, and attributes are highlighted and shine through in your essays."

College; Cover Letter; Dental; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School; Premier package;

College Cover Letter Dental Graduate Law MBA Medical School Premier package
Busy now
Anna S. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Anna S.
B.A.with Distinction
Yale University
345 Completed orders 21 years of experience

"I perfect a client's writing while also addressing critical areas that need improvement, all while maintaining the client's unique, memorable voice."

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

College Graduate Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
Ashley R. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Ashley R.
Yale University
1538 Completed orders 13 years of experience

"I have a unique perspective on the college admissions process and on the job enrollment process."

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

College Graduate Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
Brandon D. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Brandon D.
PhD in Biological Enginnering
Completed orders 3 years of experience

"I am excited to help take your writing to the next level."

College; Education; Graduate; Law; MBA;

College Education Graduate Law MBA
Busy now
Brian Pieragostini - Picture Online Bio 1 Brian P.
BA in Philosophy
Columbia University
Completed orders 10 years of experience

"I improve an essay through specific and constructive feedback."

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

College Graduate Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
Carl P. Carl P.
A.B., Anthropology
Harvard University
Completed orders 20 years of experience

“I'm here to help you unleash the power of your writing through clarity, language. and structure.”

College; Law; MBA; Medical School;

College Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
Cynthia C. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Cynthia C.
B.S. in Biology
260 Completed orders 4 years of experience

"I pride myself on my detail-oriented and conscientious editing skills that I am sure to tailor to the individual needs of each client."

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

College Graduate Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
Helen M. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Helen M.
B.A. Honors in Politics and Modern History
University of Manchester
220 Completed orders 20 years of experience

"I can handle most tasks, including resumes and work for college enrollment and graduate studies."

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

College Graduate Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
James C. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge James C.
Yale University
1144 Completed orders 20 years of experience

"I like to work on essays for graduate programs (Master's and PhD) in any discipline."

College; Graduate; MBA;

College Graduate MBA
Busy now
John L. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge John L.
B.A. in English
California Berkeley
805 Completed orders 15 years of experience

"I like to put my language skills to good use on essays from all fields, but especially those in Medicine and Business."

Law; MBA; Medical School;

Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
Julia Z. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Julia Z.
University of Oxford
Completed orders 8 years of experience

I love supporting students with narrative stories, cover letters, academic essays, theses and dissertations.

College; Education; Graduate; Law; MBA; Premier package;

College Education Graduate Law MBA Premier package
Busy now
Kai T.
B.A. in English Language & Literature
Yale University
Completed orders 5 years of experience

"My approach focuses on clarity and conciseness."

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

College Graduate Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
Kiran S. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Kiran S.
PhD in Sociology
University of Oxford
782 Completed orders 11 years of experience

"I am experienced editing admissions essays, recommendation letters, as well as academic papers and theses."

College; Cover Letter; Graduate; Law; Medical School;

College Cover Letter Graduate Law Medical School
Busy now
Linda R. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Linda R.
A.B. in Communication
Stanford University
1410 Completed orders 17 years of experience

"I enjoy getting to know my customers and helping them reach their undergraduate and professional goals. It's always memorable to see them succeed."

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

College Graduate Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
Lyra D. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Lyra D.
B.A. in Computer Science
Cornell University
200 Completed orders 3 years of experience

"I have a deep love for the written word and have thoroughly enjoyed my time working with high schoolers to strengthen their writing skills."

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

College Graduate Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
Mary F. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Mary F.
MA in English
Princeton University
220 Completed orders 11 years of experience

"I have a great deal of experience assisting those applying to law school and LL.M. programs."

Cover Letter; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

Cover Letter Graduate Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
Melissa S. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Melissa S.
MA in English Literature
Columbia University
2135 Completed orders 30 years of experience

"I find great joy and satisfaction in crafting precise language, and in helping people tell their stories with honesty and style."

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

College Graduate Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
Reid A. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Reid A.
MA in English
University of Oxford
200 Completed orders 4 years of experience

"I am well versed in working with both undergraduate and graduate application essays."

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

College Graduate Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
Sam R.
PhD in Development Studies
Cornell University
Completed orders 7 years of experience

"Send me your admissions essays, research proposals, academic papers, and theses. Let’s get to work!”

College; Education; Law; MBA; Medical School;

College Education Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
Scott J. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Scott J.
B.A. in Journalism
University of North Carolina
1223 Completed orders 23 years of experience

"My goal is to work with customers and help students present their ideas in their own words in a professional and grammatically sound manner."

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

College Graduate Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
Shauna G. Shauna G.
University of California
Completed orders 8 years of experience

"I love supporting students so they can achieve more in their academic writing, from theses to admissions materials like personal statements."

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School; Premier package;

College Graduate Law MBA Medical School Premier package
Busy now
Susan L. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Susan L.
B.A. in International Relations
250 Completed orders 21 years of experience

"I enjoy helping clients tell their particular stories: who they are at heart and how they got to where they are now in their lives."

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School; Premier package;

College Graduate Law MBA Medical School Premier package
Busy now
Suset L.
PhD in History
Completed orders 21 years of experience

"I am looking forward to helping countless new students achieve their academic aspirations."

College; Cover Letter; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

College Cover Letter Graduate Law MBA Medical School
Busy now
Yasmine B. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge Yasmine B.
B.A. in Cultural Anthropology
Brown University
463 Completed orders 9 years of experience

"I’m a hands-on writing and editing coach. Let's work together to create an essay that stands out from the pack! "

College; Cover Letter; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

College Cover Letter Graduate Law MBA Medical School
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How Can the Ivy League Experts Polish Your Essays?

Ivy League essay editing experts have fixed many essays and thus know how to provide meticulous edits and make sure that your message is conveyed in a persuasive way, and more importantly – you sound unique.

Depending on the chosen package the variety of services might vary. For instance, you can opt for the basic one. In this case, you will get a super-rapid service within 48 hours – this will suit those who have tight deadlines ahead of the schedule. You can upload 3 and more documents to be revised by the editor, with whom you will be in direct contact. Apart from this, you will be provided with the editing and the comprehensive critique, as well as the second round of editing.

There is also a premier plan. This will fit for those who have two weeks of timeline, and some extra time for drafting. In addition to the above-mentioned services, you can brainstorm your ideas with the editor, have several rounds of email, and plenty of time to incorporate the editor’s suggestions.

You can also go for the simplest plan which envisages the basic proofreading and provision of practical tips on how to polish your essay.

Regardless of the chosen plan, our expert will breathe life into your application documents and help you with the following set of issues.

Meet the team of Professional Admissions Editors!

Here are just a few of our team members. Have a glance at their profiles and get to know who is going to be behind the editing process of your admission documents.

James C.
James C.
Essay Editor, 17 years of experience, Yale University. Member of the best Essay Editors team.
HIre James C.
After graduating from Yale (1973, cum laude, history) and earning an M.S in Accounting from NYU’s Graduate School of Business Administration the next year, James worked in the corporate world for the next nearly 20 years. This included being an auditor for a Big 8 public accounting firm and an operations analyst for Xerox. In the early Nineties, he left the corporate world to join an NGO providing technical assistance in Central and Eastern Europe after the fall of Communism. He moved to Poland in the mid-Nineties. In 2003, still an expat, he started working as an editor for EssayEdge. Since that time, he has edited nearly 4000 essays in all categories. He has also written and published a series of short stories and poems and edited the prose submissions for a series of books produced by New Europe Writers. In 2014 he started performing as a spoken word artist and stand-up comedian. In 2018, he will have a solo show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Linda R.
Linda R.
Essay Editor, 14 years of experience, Stanford University. Member of a team of Professional Essay Editors.
Hire Linda R.
Linda has been with Essay Edge since its second editing season and may be its longest-tenured editor. She is a 1988 graduate of Stanford University, with degrees in biology and communications, and earned her MBA from the University of Southern California in 1993. Linda enjoys getting to know her customers and helping them reach their undergraduate and professional goals while learning about their cultures, families and careers through editing their essays. She is always available to answer customer questions. Linda spent 20 plus years in sports public relations, and loves her “mom job” as an editor. She also volunteers her time as an elected member of the Board of Education in her Southern California community, and is the proud mom of a sophomore politics major at Oberlin College who represents Team USA internationally in the sport of triathlon, and a high school sophomore who is an aspiring distance runner and writer.
Anastasia M.
Anastasia M.
Essay Editor, 5 years of experience, University College London. Member of a team of Professional Editors for Students.
Hire Anastasia M.
Anastasia has three degrees from University College London, University of London, including a master’s degree in history and anthropology. She also studied at the Sorbonne university in Paris as part of a B.A in History and French. She has been living in Bogotá since 2002. Anastasia was a lecturer at Colombia’s leading Javeriana university where she created a course on U.S. relations with Latin America and was responsible for setting and marking exam essays and dissertations. Anastasia is a trained history teacher turned award-winning journalist and editor. A former correspondent for the Financial Times, her articles about politics, business, and society have also been published in the top newspapers in Britain and in the U.S. and on major news websites. She is also a report writer for the United Nations, multilateral development banks, and risk consultancy companies. Her expertise is helping clients craft their essays in clear and concise English, while highlighting their unique strengths and experience.
Brandon D.
Brandon D.
Essay Editor, 3 years of experience, MIT. Member of the Professional Admissions Editors Team.
Hire Brandon D.
Brandon is fond of Biological Engineering. That’s why he decided to dedicate his life to studying this field. After graduating from Arizona State University with honors in Biomedical Engineering BSE, he continued his path as a Ph.D. candidate in Biological Engineering at MIT. Besides gaining laboratory experience, Brandon helps MIT students and postdocs craft presentations and papers. As a member of the EssayEdge Editors team, he is happy to share his experience and help gain perfect writing skills.
Julia Z.
Essay Editor, 8 years of experience, University of Oxford. Member of a Team of the best Essay Editors for Students.
Hire Julia Z.
Julia is a graduate of the University of Oxford, where she earned a DPhil in Sociology. The main scope of her study was gender, conflict, and grassroots mobilization in Colombia, Mexico, and El Salvador. Also, Julia got an MPhil in Latin American studies during this period, which helped her win the Crawley Prize for the best thesis. Then, she continued her academic path at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada and completed her undergraduate degree in Political Studies and Global Development. Starting from 2014, Julia has cooperated with EssayEdge. During this period, she gained a lot of experience in academic mentoring and editing. Julia is an expert in supporting clients and helping them highlight their unique personalities and experiences in their admission documents.
Amy A.
Amy A.
Essay Editor, 19 years of experience, Stanford University. Member of the Professional Admissions Editors Team.
Hire Amy A.
Amy began her academic path by pursuing her undergraduate studies at Stanford University. Human Biology was her major, with concentrations in Psychology, Public Health, and Gerontology. Still, it wasn’t the only completed program. Stanford Structured Liberal Education (SLE) and humanities classics (arts, literature, and philosophy) and writing instruction integrated programs are among her list of academic achievements. Interesting to mention that in 2003, Amy started to work part-time at EssayEdge to pay for her college. This time, she was attending business school at Santa Clara University. Time passed by, and this temporary job became a true passion for admission editing and counseling. Amy successfully combines EssayEdge work with a prosperous career as a CEO in the aging services industry.
John L.
John L.
Essay Editor, 15 years of experience, California Berkeley. Member of Professional Essay Editors team.
Hire John L.
John has a rich academic background in various fields. Firstly, he received a BA in English with the highest distinction from Princeton University. His major was German Language and Literature. Then, he graduated from the University of California Berkeley, where John earned a Ph.D. in English Literature. He started to work as an EssayEdge editor 15 years ago and gained a lot of experience in academic editing. Medicine and Business became his favorite fields. John mentioned that he enjoys putting his language skills into improving essays.

Do not waste time – choose your editor now and get to your dream college! Thousands of students have already fulfilled their dreams so you can do too.

Check out also our customer’s feedback and their impression of EssayEdge services:

  • Nariman M, Berkeley, Wharton, February 2020, Business Application Essay:

“Is EssayEdge legit?” That was the first question that bothered me. However, it is! English is not my first language and I’m sure there are usually different kinds of errors in my essays but I usually try to keep the flow right. I definitely need a great critique to find the issues and fix them for me. The basic option seems to work pretty well for me. 

My editor noticeably improved my essay structure, flow and language, while still keeping my style and tone. Overall the process was super quick and easy. I would definitely order again in the future. If someone asks me about this service or is EssayEdge worth it, I will definitely recommend referring to these editors. 

At times it is good to talk to someone regarding your application. My resume is OK, but I am not good at writing cover letters. Just pick up the phone and talk to someone who already graduated from this uni – sounds pretty easy. And works well also. 

It is you who pick the individual editor for your essay. We recommend you to look through the list of all our experts and select the most preferable candidates. Once you make up your mind – fill in an application and wait to be contacted. If in doubt – we can always consult you and select the best academic editor for you based on your preferences.

What to expect next? Once you requested an essay editing service, you will be in direct contact with your editor regarding your essay. If you wish to get an all-inclusive service, then you might consider our All in One Plan, which encompasses admission consulting, editing for every piece of your application. As a bonus, you get 24/7 customer service support, and can always order an extra second round of editing within 24 to 48 hours if you have the burning deadlines. Ready? Steady? Go!

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our offers

Choose the Offer That Works Best for You


from $69

Turnaround - 24/48 hours

You did a great job and almost finished your essay, but you still need a final check. Our specialist will refine your work for typos and grammatical errors, providing you with minor constructive suggestions.

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0 - 600 words $69

601 - 1,200 words $99

1,201 - 1,800 words $129

1.801 - 2,400 words $159

+2,400 words $12 per + 100 words

24-hour rush +$59

Order Now


from $149

Turnaround - 24/48 hours

You have a half-finished essay, but you still need proofreading and critique to strengthen your writing. Our specialist will help improve your style and will provide a detailed review of structure, content, and tone.

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0 - 600 words $149

601 - 1,200 words $199

1,201 - 1,800 words $239

1,801 - 2,400 words $279

+2,400 words $12 per + 100 words

24-hour rush +$59

Second reading +50% of order price

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All in one

from $229

Turnaround - 3/7 days

You need a package of documents that are consistent in style and complement each other. Submit 3+ documents in one order, and we will assign one editor to work on them. The editor will polish all your docs and add suggestions on style and tone.

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1,800 - 2,400 words $229

2,401 - 3,000 words $289

3,001 - 3,600 words $399

3,601 - 4,200 words $459

4,201 - 4,800 words $519

72-hour rush $139

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from $120

Turnaround - 48 hours

30-45 min brainstorming session and outline after a call what needs to be in your application essay

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from $379

Turnaround - 14 days

You need comprehensive assistance to start writing your admission essay. Our proofreader will guide you through the process, from topic brainstorming to the finished piece. The second reading is included in this package.

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0 - 600 words $379

601 - 1,200 words $429

1,201 - 1,800 words $479

1,801 - 2,400 words $529

+2,400 words $12 per + 100 words

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